Waiting list administration

City of Portsmouth District Scouts operates a centralised waiting list.
Here's how we manage the waiting list... 



Parents/cares go to join.portsmouthscouts.org.uk where they self-register their interest in a child joining Scouts.  Registration has two steps. 

Join The Adventure

Team leaders and membership coordinators

Use the JOIN THE ADVENTURE self-service app to monitor and interact with the District Waiting List.  

REMEMBER:  There is no "top of the waiting list".  Places are allocated by Groups/Unit using their local waiting list criteria.  In general neither District Admin nor Groups/Units can give updates to parents/carers about waiting list progress or expected start dates.

Identify a new member

Leaders and membership coordinators

Got a space now or in the near future?

Need help or got a question?  Email membership@portsmouthscouts.org.uk


Limited volunteer time means we must keep the new member process simple.  In most cases, if the offer of an available place is declined, the candidate should be DELETED from the waiting list.

The following explains the principles we should all use:

Contact membership@portsmouthscouts.org.uk for more details.

Access the waiting list

The Waiting List can be accessed using the JOIN THE ADVENTURE app.  To protect the data entrusted to us by prospective members, access to the app is restricted to those with a valid need.  

Request access by sending an email to membership@portsmouthscouts.org.uk
An @portmsouthscouts.org.uk address will be required.  This can be requested at the same time.