Nights Away and Camping

Nights away or residential events, whether camping, hostelling, sleepovers or bivouacs, form an integral part of scouting, and are something that every young person should have the opportunity to take part in.

Nights Away Notification (form NAN)

The District Commissioner needs to be informed about any section attending a nights away event (even a sleepover in your normal meeting place).

Complete our online NAN form to make this as simple as possible.

All enquiries to

@portsmouthscouts account required

Any Section sleepovers in the Group's usual meeting place or District HQs must inform both the local Police and Fire Brigade. This is to ensure the safety of the youngsters in our care, and it should be noted in the Risk Assessment.  These are premises not usually occupied overnight, so notification becomes essential.

Notify Portsmouth Police on 023 9289 9080 or online HERE.

Notify Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service on 023 8064 4000. There is supporting information online HERE.

Have the following information to hand:

More information says there are various resources and directories available to help you plan, train for and carry out residential events, from directories of venues available to details of how to gain a nights away permit that will allow you to lead these events.