
Find out about Uniform, when to wear it and where to get it.

You may have questions about when to start wearing uniform, when to make the Scout Promise, and when to wear the scarf (also known as a necker).  This guide aims to provide clarity on these aspects, referencing information from scouts.org.uk and the Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) document.

1. When Should a New Youth Member Start Wearing Uniform?

New members are encouraged to start wearing the official Scout uniform once they have settled into their section and are ready to be invested. This is usually after they have attended a few sessions and feel comfortable in their new environment.

The first time a young person wears their uniform is typically during their Investiture ceremony, a special event where they formally join Scouts. Wearing the uniform helps them feel part of the group and represents their commitment to Scouting.

2. When Should a New Youth Member Make Their Scout Promise?

Making the Scout Promise is an important milestone in a young person’s journey. It takes place during their Investiture ceremony, where they are officially welcomed into their Scout section.

The ceremony can be held in different settings—during a regular meeting, at a campfire, or even at an outdoor adventure activity.  Your Section Leaders will discuss where and when with you, in advance.

The key elements of the Investiture include:

3. When Should a New Youth Member Wear a Scout Scarf (Necker)?

The Scout scarf, or necker, is a key part of the uniform. It is usually given to new members during their Investiture ceremony. Once received, the scarf should be worn at all official Scouting meetings and activities.

The scarf represents belonging—not just to their local Scout Group but also to the worldwide Scouting movement. Some Groups have a specific colour or design for their neckers, which helps identify their members.

For more detailed information, speak to your local volunteer team - they are your best source of information about your child's journey in Scouting.  Otherwise, please refer to the Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) document and the resources available on scouts.org.uk.

Portsmouth Scout Store
70 The Ridings, Gatcombe Park, Hilsea, Portmsouth, PO2 0UF

Opening times:  Saturdays during term time, 9.30am to 12.00pm


Purchasing Uniform

Youth uniforms for Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, and Explorers can be purchased from several sources.

It's strongly recommended to use our local Portsmouth Scout Store at Portsmouth Scouts HQ, Gatcombe Park, Hillsea.  This ensures any income remains local and benefits young people in our District.

Many Groups operate a used uniform service.  For example, 5th Portsmouth have their online "Uniform Bank" of donated pre-loved uniform.  Speak to a local volunteer member for information.

Other sources include:

Before purchasing, confirm with your Group what uniform items are required and whether there are any colour or branding preferences for hoodies or other casual clothing.

Personalised Uniform & Scout Clothing

As young members settle into Scouting, they may need a mix of formal uniform and more casual clothing for activities like camps, hikes, and meetings. A variety of Scout-branded and personalised clothing is available for purchase. 

Some Groups may have preferred colours for items like hoodies, helping members stand out at events and in public. 

Before buying anything, check with leaders or other parents for guidance on uniform expectations and any recommended suppliers.

Paying for Uniform

Each Scout Group has its own approach to covering the cost of youth uniforms although the majority ask parents and carers to fund uniform themselves.  Scarves/neckers, woggles and badges are normally provided by the Group directly.

To find out how your Group handles uniform costs, check with your Section Leader or Group Lead Volunteer. If cost is a concern, many Groups offer second-hand options or financial assistance to ensure every young person can participate fully.