Join the Adventure

Self-service Membership Coordination for Portsmouth Scouts.


Get access

Realtime access to the City of Portsmouth waiting list

Get the app

Browser link
(Recommended for computers or for longer term use)

Smart Device App

TIP: Close and restart Appsheet if it locks up on first use.

Start recruiting!

See the in-app User Guild for a quick tour of the app and how to get the most out of using it.
Then explore the app, build your list of candidates and take action to contact parents.


Data is held on Google Cloud.  It may take a couple of seconds for the app to synchronise with the cloud.  An internet connection is required for sync.  Please be patient.

Updates pending

Most actions trigger an update to the cloud.  Changes are not saved until the update pending icon is clear.

Preference info.

Many records have parent submitted preference information in addition to the basic data.  The blue P icon in many views help you identify which records have this extra information.

Keeping young people safe & data protection

Only leaders who need waiting list / membership information to carry out their role should have access to that information.  We control access to information by requiring user sign in and only granting access to approved users.  Do not share your access.

It is important to note that as Data Controllers, local Scout Groups are directly responsible for any personal data they process and must therefore ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities under the law.

Find out more at