
Every volunteer role at the Scouts needs to complete training. This page will help you get started with mandatory and basic training, while you explore all the training Scouts has to offer.

Depending on how you are volunteering (your role), there will a number of things you will be asked to complete as you get started.  Don't be concerned.  Leaders at the place you are volunteering will help you with questions or problems.

Keep a copy of module completion certificates or similar.  Completion is not automatically recorded.  Submit a Validation Request Form, speak with your GSL, a Leader or a local training advisor to have completed learning recorded against your Personal Learning Plan (PLP, Module 02) in Compass.


Ongoing training for all

Safety, Safeguarding and First Aid are mandatory ongoing learning for all learners and need to be completed every three years.

Tap/click a button to access the training.

Learning how to keep young people and adults at risk safe, how to recognise abuse and how to report a concern.

Learn about your responsibilities for keeping young people and adults safe, what to do in an emergency and how to report incidents.

Understand the skills and knowledge necessary to enable volunteers to manage an incident and provide basic first aid.


Tap/click a button to access the training.

Learn about our history and the fundamentals of Scouts, get an overview of how we keep people safe, and how we make sure everyone is welcome.  Also, learn about our training scheme, our structure and the support available to you.

Also called MODULE 01

Learn how GDPR applies to your role, how to treat Personal Data and what are the Individuals’ rights. In addition, learn about requesting consent, and the measures taken locally to make sure we’re aligned with GDPR.  

for Section Leaders

Learn about the roles in your section, and how we use activities and games at Scouts.  Learn about Youth Shaped Scouting, and get some tips on promoting positive behaviour.

Also called MODULE 03

for Managers and Supporters

Learn about your team's roles and responsibilities, and how to deliver a quality programme.  Explore the six areas of leadership and management, and get tips on time management and personal skills. 

Also called MODULE 04

Learn about Trustee Boards (previously Executive Committees), our key policies, roles and responsibilities.  

Personal Learning Plan

Create a plan for your learning based on the requirements of the role and taking into account the your individual needs.  A PLP is set-up by working with a local training advisor. 

Also called MODULE 02
* Except "occasional helpers".  The Scouts website says that "... an occasional helper, which requires a personal enquiry and criminal records check (ID Check, DBS)  is someone who will be: 
    • assisting in overnight activities and/or
    • may be helping out once a week (or on four occasions in a thirty day period) or more frequently and/or
    • will have unsupervised access to young people."